This article is for users experiencing sync error when closing their file.
A sync error occurs when there is a connection interruption when uploading or downloading the file from or to the Agrimaster server. There can be a number of causes that may require investigation by the Customer Support team.
To Troubleshoot The Error
- Refresh the File Manager page and check you are no longer receiving the sync error.
- Close down the File Manager page and reopen it.
- Ensure your internet connection is established and working, you can do this by running an internet speed test
- Please note: Low upload/download speed or an unstable internet connection can mean File Manager does not work as expected, however, please contact Customer Support if you aren't sure how to interpret the speed test results.
- If a Sync error occurs while you still have Agrimaster open, please close Agrimaster, check that Agrimaster isn't still open, and refresh the File Manager page.
- A background update could be trying to apply, or you may need to check for updates
- Restart your computer
- If the error persists after conducting the above steps, please contact Customer Support.