
Using A Supplementary Payslip

This article will explain what primary supplementary payslips are and how to use them. 

Primarily supplementary payslips would be used when:

  1. When you need to adjust figures after your normal payrun has been completed.
    When a payslip with a negative or zero value needs to be saved to adjust figures, which will not impact on the payment of any employee i.e. where an employee changes super funds and a reversal needs to be made against the old super fund and the contribution needs to be put to the new super fund.
  2. When a payment needs to be made to a terminated employee (this can only be done within the financial year in which they terminated).

How To Use A Supplementary Payslip

  1. Select the correct PPE date from the PPE calendar. 
  2. Click File> Maintenance> Supplementary Payslip. 
  3. mceclip0.png
  4. Read the warning screen and select Yes. The warning screen explains that the boundaries of a normal pay have been removed, therefore the payslip needs to be checked very carefully before saving.
  5. Select your employee and proceed as normal.  Make sure you double-check the payslip before saving.
  6. If you are re-banking an employee’s wage it will not reduce the amount on the aba file.  It will only reduce the amount in the employee’s year to date earnings records in Wagemaster.
  7. If you are making super adjustments – remember to always do this in the last pay period ending (PPE) of the month, as it may impact the monthly tracking of payments for the remainder of the month if done mid-month.
  8. If you are putting through an additional payment for an employee, you may choose to do this in the current PPE or in the next PPE.  If you choose to do it in the current PPE you will need to re-run any reports printed and distributed to reflect this additional payment.  If you make the payment in the next PPE, you will need to remember when creating the aba file at the end of that PPE that it should not balance to the payment summary or bank pay in the report.

If you want to make any manual adjustments during wages processing follow the instructions in the article linked here: Edit Pay Components During Wages Processing

For any reverse adjustments, follow the instructions in the article linked here: Reverse An Overpayment And Correct STP.

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