
STP Mark Final Pay Reporting Event

When you have completed your pay processing for the year, including submitting all pay events and update events, you need to notify the ATO that you have provided all information, for all employees, for the year.

This is done by reporting an STP Update that has the Final Pay checkbox ticked for each employee included in the update event.

It is possible to report a final event in a pay event, via STP reporting, e.g. for an employee who has been terminated.

When you are reporting your final event for the end of the financial year, e.g. as part of EOFY processing, it must be submitted as an update event via STP Update.

The easiest way to set the Final Pay checkbox is by clicking the Mark All as Final button. This ticks the checkbox for everyone shown in the STP Update grid, so you can generate the update event and report it to the ATO.

When the ATO receives the update event with the Final Event, employees’ YTD information in myGov is flagged as final for the year and will be made available for tax return pre-filling.

To Report An STP Update Final Event

  1. Trigger the STP icon at the top of the Wagemaster window.
  2.  This opens the STP Reporting window where on the top left there is the choice of Report to ATO or STP Update. Select STP Update.Screenshot_2021-06-10_084954.png
  3. Choose the filters you wish to apply.
  4. You can run the STP Update by an employee as well but you do want All Employees ticked. The financial year offered will reflect any changes to your End of Year Boundaries that you may have altered earlier as per Section A. Select OK.
  5. Review each record you will be reporting in the Update Event to check the updated values or information that will be reported. You could compare values with those in the ATO Payment Summary Report checking for the correct display of Allowances, FBT and RESC for example. Screenshot_2021-06-10_085354.png
  6. Click the Mark All as Final button to select the Final Pay checkbox for all employees in the grid.Screenshot_2021-06-10_085511.png
  7. Create a record of what you are about to commit to. Print Report offers a breakdown of each employee’s pay including the detail of Allowances and deductions and lends itself to PDF production. While the Export offers Allowances as a total for each employee, the benefit is that it is in Excel format allowing data manipulation if required. These two options can be used to balance against other reports before committing to the process. Export the STP Update grid data to an external file format, if required.Screenshot_2021-06-10_090231.png
  8. When you are ready to report the STP Update, click Report to ATO.
  9. The Update Event Declaration window is displayed. 
  10. Remember that the Full Name is populated with the name of the payroll company's nominated contact person, but this field should be changed if someone else is reporting the event. Tick the declaration.
  11. Click Report. There will be a progress bar dialogue as below. Screenshot_2021-06-10_090334.png
  12. You are returned to the main STP Reporting where the Status column will hold a message indicating the progress of your Final Pay Update Event

(Once you submit the STP report button, you can see the print report option at the bottom of the screen) 

  1. You can close the STP wizard and it should come back to Success in a while. It does take a little longer during the end of the financial year. 

You can read further for STP Status Message Definitions.

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