
Setup Overtime

You can watch our video tutorial below:

  1. Go to Setup > Awards

  2. Double click the award you wish to edit from the list below

  3. The Awards Details screen of the award selected will be displayed 

  4. Click the Normal tab on the left-hand side.
    (Wagemaster uses the term Normal Time/Standard Time for Overtime).

  5. The description field will show the award you have chosen to edit. If you have selected the incorrect award, click on close and then choose the correct award from the list.

  6. Leave the Pay Rate decimal places as is.

  7. To edit the name of the award click change.

  8. Edit the screen below as required.

    • Normal hrs: Unless your employees are paid for working overtime, you should set the Normal hrs Monday to Sunday to 23:59. If you set these to fewer hours and the employee works a greater number of hours than entered then overtime will be triggered.
    • Minimum hrs: These boxes are usually left blank. If you fill in this section and an employee works fewer hours than entered, they will be paid for extra hours that they did not work
    • Full-Time Equivalence: Set to the number of hours that is considered full time for your organization.
    • Normal Day Work Hours: Set to the normal daily working hours for your organization
    • Period Times: This is used to prevent super being calculated on overtime hours. To do this, you have the option to split and restrict the hours worked over 2 periods.

      Example 1: Company A's pay period is fortnightly. They choose to use only one Period Times. The hours set is 76. Any hours worked over this 76-hour restriction during the fortnight will be reported as overtime and will not be paid super. 

      Example 2: Company B's pay period is also fortnightly. They chose to restrict super being paid on overtime by splitting the pay period into two weekly periods. Employees are set to work only 38 standard hours each week. Any hours worked over those 38 hours each period will not be paid super.
      Note: The pay is still being processed fortnightly.

      Example C: Company C sets its fortnightly pay period differently. Their Period Times is set to weekly, but they restrict the hours worked during that first week to 30 hours and the second to 46. Any hours worked over the specified hours for each period will not be paid super. 

      • Period times 1: This is the number of hours in the first week (If your pay period is weekly, you do not need to set up Period times 2)
        • Period: Enter the split pay frequency (see above examples)
        • Hours: Enter the number of working hours in this period that super will be paid on. Hours worked over this specified number during the period will not be paid super
        • Days: Enter the number of days during which the worked hours can be performed during the first period
      • Period times 2:  This is the number of hours in the second Period (eg. If your pay period is fortnightly and you want each week calculated separately). Only required if you are restricting hours worked in different periods of your pay period. If your pay period is Weekly, we recommend this be left with the default None selected
        • Period: Enter the split pay frequency (see above examples)
        • Hours: Enter the number of working hours in this period that super will be paid on. Hours worked over this specified number during the period will not be paid super
        • Days: Enter the number of days during which the worked hours can be performed during the second period
  9. Click Close to save 

The Next Steps Are Optional, depending on the employment conditions:

Continue To: Setup Employees

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