An asset is an economic resource of your business. Depending on your requirements, it may apply to both tangible assets and to intangible assets (such as intellectual property and goodwill).
The Agrimaster Asset Register allows you to monitor and maintain a list of items that are of value to your business.
If you want to use the Balance Sheet function in Agrimaster, you will need to setup the Asset Register. Once the assets are recorded, the values feed into your profit & loss statement (if you choose to include depreciation) and budgets.
We recommend you consult your accountant to decide what should be included in your Asset Register.
Help Articles Covering The Asset Register
To assist you in using the Asset Register, the following articles are available for you to access:
- Add an Asset to the Asset Register
- Edit an Asset in the Asset Register
- Asset Locations
- Asset Departments/Groups
- Asset Classifications
- Asset SubClass
- Asset Balance Sheet Categories
- Depreciation
- Depreciate an Asset
- Record Liabilities Against an Asset
- Asset Notes
- Asset Register Reports