
10 Days of Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave from 2023

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Employees will soon be able to access 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave in a 12-month period.

This applies to Full-time, Part-time and Casual employees where they will be able to access 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave in a 12-month period. It won’t be pro-rated for part-time or casual employees.

The full 10-day leave entitlement will be available upfront. It won’t accumulate from year to year if it’s not used.

The leave will be available from:

  • 1 February 2023, for employees of non-small business employers (employers with 15 or more employees on 1 February 2023)
  • 1 August 2023, for employees of small business employers (employers with less than 15 employees on 1 February 2023).

The new leave provisions will be independently reviewed after 12 months to consider the impacts on small businesses, sole traders, and people experiencing family and domestic violence.

Employees will continue to be entitled to 5 days of unpaid family and domestic violence leave until they can access the new paid entitlement see below for setup. 

For more information review: Fair Work here 

Employer guide to family and domestic violence leaves: employer-guide-to-family-and-domestic-violence.docx (


How to set up 10 Family & Domestic Violence Leave days in WageEasy from 2023.

  1. Go toSetup, Awards, double-clickthe award the employee is attached to, and chooseLeaveon the left hand side.
  2. If you have already setup the Family & Domestic Violence leaves in the employee awards, please proceed to step 5 ( Once Miscellaneous Leave has been created ) 
  3. SelectAdd/Delete Leavewhich will open the Leave Type Wizard,Next.
  4. SelectAdd new leave type, Next.


  1. On theEnter Details of the New Leave Typepage:
  • Leave Type: FDV
  • Description, type Miscellaneous Leave, and Tab.
  • Short Description will display the same as Description. 
  • Enter a GL Code if applicable (leave blank if unsure). 
  • Leave Show Leave Total on Employee Pay Slips, and
  • Show Leave Entitlement on Employee Pay Slips unchecked.
  • Next.


  1. Next, Next, Finish

You now have a new leave type for Miscellaneous Leave.

Once Miscellaneous Leave has been created, follow the next steps to complete the setup of the Leave.

  1. Go toMiscellaneous LeaveandAccrualsTab, select edit to set the Calculation as Block and Rate as 76.00000


  1. Go toAccrual ConditionsTab, the drop-down for Create additional accrual records isEach year, on the anniversary of the employee’s commencement and tick the box forLeave does not carry forward.


  1. Go to Payments Tabs, tick the box for Payment can be edited atWages Processing.

Please make the changes below forCasual Awardsonly.
Add 25.00% to the pay rate loading 


  1. Go Other Tab, select the tick box forInclude leave payments in superannuation calculationandInclude leave payments in period overtime calculation.



Payment for leave
Full-time and part-time employees can take paid family and domestic violence leave at their full pay rate for the hours they would have worked if they weren't on leave.

Casual employees will be paid at their full pay rate for the hours they were rostered to work in the period they took leave.

An employee's full pay rate is their base rate plus any:

  • incentive-based payments and bonuses
  • loadings
  • monetary allowances
  • overtime or penalty rates
  • any other separately identifiable amounts.

Please note: This matter is still before the Fair Work Commission Full Bench for consideration. However, in accordance with theFair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Act 2022the new entitlement comes into effect on 1 February 2023.

Please notethat the format for reporting this leave on payslips is still evolving as the Fair Work Ombudsman, the Australian Tax Office and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations finalise their requirements. We have been advised that the setup guidance as per this Knowledge Base article is acceptable for at least the next 4 months and we will provide additional information and guidance once this is finalised.

If there are any further updates, this article will be updated accordingly.

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