If you have not updated your credit card details within File Manager, your subscription will not be automatically paid by the due date.
To Pay For Your Subscription:
- Go to your email inbox and search for an email from Agrimaster with a subject titled
"Reminder: Your Invoice From Agrimaster".- Alternatively, type Agrimaster in the search tab of your email browser and press Enter.
- If you are still unable to find the e-mail, please search the Junk Folder.
- Once you have located the email, click on Pay Invoice button.
Please note: If you have multiple subscriptions, you would have received separate e-mails. You will need to pay each invoice individually with a credit card. - You will now be redirected to a secure webpage where you will select the payment option as shown below.
Please note: Stripe secure payment only accepts Visa and MasterCard. - Once a valid credit card number, expiry and CCV details are entered click on Pay A$ button.
- The payment will be processed, and within 10 minutes, you will be able to access your subscription in File Manager.
- Should you experience issues during this process, please reply back to the Reminder: Your Invoice From Agrimaster" as shown below.
- Add details such as your contact number, user number and the problem you are experiencing so the Customer Support team can reach out as soon as possible.