You can watch our video tutorial below:
Fuel tax rates are automatically updated as part of your Agrimaster Auto-Update.
You can still manually add a new Fuel Tax Rate if required. The new Fuel Tax Rate can be obtained from the ATO website.
The Fuel Tax update needs to do done before closing the month the update is for.
To Add A New Fuel Tax Rate:
- On the Home Page, click Setup and Tools.
- Click Cashbook Setup.
- Click Tax.
- Click Setup Fuel Tax Rebate.
- In the Fuel Tax Credit Setup screen:
- Click the Fuel Codes and Usage tab.
- Click the Fuel Tax Rates button.
Please Note: If you have more than one Fuel Tax Entity, you will need to repeat these steps for each one listed, following the instructions from Step 7.
- A list of the Fuel Tax Rates and the effective dates will be displayed on the Fuel Tax Credit Rates screen.
- Click Add New.
- The Add New Fuel Rate screen will display as below.
- Enter the Start Date that the new rate applies.
- Enter the Heavy Vehicles (On-Road) rate.
- Enter the rate for All Other Vehicles (Off-Road).
- Click the green tick to save your changes.
- The new rates you have created will be shown in the list. Any rates that you have manually added will not show a red tick under the ATO column. These indicate rates that were supplied by the updates.
- Click the black cross twice to exit the Fuel Tax Setup screen.