The Bank Accounts view is a section of Bank Feeds that displays the information for an Agrimaster file, it also shows the status of the Bank Feeds connection.
When the Bank Account has been connected with a Bank Feeds connection, it will display a connected status.
It will also display a snapshot of the last time the information was brought through.
(In this example, it displays that it was last updated with transactions from 2 hours ago.)
If it displays more than 2 days, please contact support as Bank Feeds is meant to update every 24 hours.
To view the detailed list of transactions for a specific bank account, click a row for a specific Bank Account.
More details will be presented such as Bank Account Details, Additional Information & Transactions.
The below image shows the source of the Bank Accounts details. The top box, outlined in green shows all details pulled from the Agrimaster file.
The bottom box, outlined in red shows the transaction information from the source of the Bank Feeds connection.