
Downgrade From Agrimaster-Plus To Standard Subscription

We recommend you downgrade from Agrimaster-Plus to Agrimaster Standard subscription at least one month before your subscription expiry to give you time to close up the Wagemaster subscription.

After the Wagemaster licence expires you will have read-only access only to your Wagemaster file. You won’t be able to add any new data or import Wagemaster data into Agrimaster after the licence expires therefore, please consider factors:

  • Importing superannuation payments into Agrimaster before going ahead with the downgrade process
  • Finalising everything required in relation to wages for the EOFY process as you will not be able to do anything STP related once the subscription is downgraded and Wagemaster is unavailable.
  • If you are switching in the middle of the financial year read the help article here.

After you have finalised the processes in Wagemaster and completed all imports into Agrimaster, you will need to save your Wagemaster file locally so that you can have read-only access to the Wagemaster file for historical purpose.

Please Note: 

  • File Manager will not display or backup Wagemaster anymore after the subscription is downgraded.
  • We will not be responsible for storing your Wagemaster file.
  • If you are moving to a different payroll solution, your options are to finalise STP as per this article and continue with the new solution or move over the year to date figures through manual entry into your other solution.

To save your Wagemaster file locally on your computer for historical data purposes follow the steps below: 



1. Open up your Wagemaster file from File Manager


2. Note down the location of the file/s at the bottom of the Wagemaster window,

3. Close Wagemaster and Agrimaster


4. Open Windows File Explorer

5. Click on View


6. Select the Hidden Item check box

7. ​Navigate to the location noted down in step 


8. Copy your Wagemaster file and paste it in a secure location or backup location on your computer, USB, or personal cloud storage.


9. Right-click on the copy of the Wagemaster icon created in step 8 above and select properties.

10. Un-check the Hidden check box and then press OK


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