
Description Of Queries And Reports In Wagemaster

This article will highlight the different queries and reports options that are available in Wagemaster. 




Capitalise State The State field must be entered in capitals as required by the ATO for the Empdupe file. In Wagemaster version or higher, the State field will default to capital letters when entering new details. However for data entered before the upgrade to version you may have the State field in a mixture of lower case and upper case. To convert all the fields into the proper case without having to correct it individually you can run the query Capitalise State.

Delete Redundant 2012 TaxTables

This query is to delete all the redundant tax tables that had the labelling Previously (2012) on them.
Employees Still on Redundant 2012 Tax Tables

This query is to check if any employees are attached to the old redundant 2012 tax tables. 
Fix Super RESC Flag 2021 

If the box was not ticked to report the super contribution as RESC and was identified at a later stage these amounts may not appear on the ATO payment summary as RESC. To apply for this condition show as RESC for all the payments made previously you need to run the Fix Super RESC flag.
Reset Printed Flag for ATO Payment Summaries

In order to reset all the printed flags in the employee’s file to be able to reprint the individual ATO payment summary, you will need to run this query. 
Set Employee Email For ATOPS Delivery

To automatically tick the box to enable email delivery for all the employees in the database this query will need to be run. 





Address Labels  This report can be printed on labels giving customers ready labels to stick on envelopes. 
ATO Payment Summary Issued  This report indicates ATO payment summaries issued already for employees during the current financial year. 
Employee Address & Email This report shows all the employee’s home address and default email address. 
Employee Address & Tax File
Number Including State
This report shows all employee’s home address, tax file number including the state the employee comes from. 
Employee Address & Tax File Number (Postal Address) This report shows all the employee’s postal address and tax file number. 
Payment Summary - Gross including Salary Sacrifice and Fringe Benefits by State This report shows the gross income including salary sacrifice, fringe benefits along with the state. 
Payment Summary - Gross including Salary Sacrifice and Fringe Benefits This report shows the gross income including salary sacrifice and fringe benefits. 
Payment Summary - Gross including Salary Sacrifice and Fringe Benefits Total

This report shows the gross income including salary sacrifice and fringe benefits with the total of all the figures at the end of the report. 
Staff Listing (Current) by Tax File Number This report shows the current staff listing by tax file number. 
Super By Department With Gross Total This report shows the super by the department with a gross total giving us a breakdown of salary sacrifice, employer additional, SGL and employee contributions. 
Super By Department  This report shows the super by department giving us a breakdown of salary sacrifice, employer additional, SGL and employee contributions. 
Untaxed Allowance  This report shows all the untaxed allowances processed. 
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