
ATO Payment Summary Differences Report

This article is for users who want to run ATO Payment Summary Differences Report.

This report highlights any variations between Wagemaster's Payment Summary Report (saved
payslips) and what is going to be presented in the STP mark Final Pay event for an employee (and so in optional ATO payment summary production). 

  1. Navigate to Reports > ATO Payment Summaries >ATO Payment Summary Differences.3.png
  2. This report highlights any variations between Wagemaster’s Payment Summary Report (saved payslips) and what is going to be presented in the STP mark Final Pay event for an employee (and so in optional ATO payment summary production). You can verify an individual employee’s values
    via Employee File > Payments > ATO Summaries. In most cases, this report should appear with the message No Matching Records Found for this report. 7.pngReasons that an employee would show on this report:
    • The employee had two files and you have combined the amounts into one of these files to produce one ATO Payment summary for the employee. 
    • As the ATO payment fields in the employee files can be edited, an amount may have been accidentally changed.
  3. Once a discrepancy is identified and understood, it can then be rectified if needed, by editing the fields under Employee File > Payments > ATO Summaries. Highlight the Gross Wages and/or Tax Paid cell and type in the true identified amount. You should not alter this during the financial year as it will upset the year to date totals.5.png
  4. Re-run the report to check that any accidental changes have now been rectified.
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