This article is for users who want to run a year to date (financial) Union Fees Report.
If you have changed your financial year-end boundaries as discussed earlier in the steps of this section then you would run the above reports with dates ranges outlined in your File > Company Details > Configuration > Period End for the current year.
If you have utilized the Period End option, but would still like to create the reports using Wagemaster’s Financial Year to date option, you will need to utilize an additional report Reports > Payment Summary > Financial Year Difference to balance what will be recorded on the Employee’s ATO Payment Summaries for the financial year.
Printing the Union Fees Report will confirm those employees who have contributed to a union and
the amounts they have contributed over the year.
If you have configured an alternative Period End date for your close of the year, ensure you run this
Report using the Start and End dates identified for the financial year to capture all PPEs within.
- Navigate to Reports > Union Fees > Year to Date (Financial)
- You will see a report as below for the employees who have contributed to a union and
the amounts they have contributed over the year. - Union deductions will appear separately in STP reporting year to date in a field called Fees which
is optional and added to the window using the right mouse click > Customise option. - If you are producing the optional ATO payment summaries this year, then union fees will also be
separately listed there. If employees with union fees are missing from STP year to date figures or from the Union Fees Report, you may find that the union has possibly been setup as a deduction allowance in error under Setup > Allowances. Check your list to see if a union allowance was created and possibly used. Running the Reports > Allowances > Year to Date would reveal if this were the case. - If you find a union deduction allowance has been configured, ensure that it is configured correctly
for union fee STP Reporting. Navigate to Setup > Allowances > [Find the component and Edit] >
ATO Payment Summary.