
Step One: Bank Account Maintenance

This article explains how to setup a bank account/s so it can connect to the Bank Feeds feature in File Manager.

To get started with Bank Feeds, all existing bank accounts setup in Agrimaster must be reviewed and updated as per the following steps:

  1. From the Home Page, click on Setup & Tools.
  2. Click Cashbook Setup. 
  3. Click Bank Accounts.
  4. In the Setup Bank Accounts window, you will need to be in the Editing mode to update bank account details.
  5. The following fields for each Bank Account must be checked and updated as required:
    1. Each BSB is entered in a 6 digit format with a dash separating the first 3 digits (e.g. 123-000).
    2. Each A/c Number is entered with no spaces  (e.g: 1234567).
    3. Once you have made edits, click the green tick or press F10 to save the changes and before moving on to another bank account.bsb.png

Please Note

The bank account setup information also applies to future new accounts to be setup

Reorder Your Bank Accounts

Your most frequently used bank accounts should be arranged to appear at the top of the setup bank account list.  All inactive accounts should be moved to the bottom.  

  1. The media below shows how to re-arrange your bank accounts order.

Close Any Historic Accounts

  1. If you have any accounts that are closed or inactive, follow the procedure below.
    • Set the date that the bank account closed & tick the Active Account box. It will no longer appear on your reconciliation screen. 
    • You can click here to read more.
  2. If you have made any edits, click the green tick or press F10 to save the changes before moving on to another bank account.

Continue To

Step Two: Internet Banking Setup

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