
Employees Setup To Be Paid By Cash Imported Into EFTs In Error

If you have imported transactions in the EFTs section of Agrimaster in error instead of the Transactions section, you will not be able to move it back to Transactions via EFT. You will be requested to enter payee details for that employee so you can move it to Transactions by using the Print/Pay Cheques Option.

  1. Click on Cashbook.
  2. Click EFT Acc/Pay Cheques.
  3. At the Electronic Funds Transfer, Accounts Payable, Cheques window, click the Print or Pay cheque button.1.png
  4. Select the transactions you wish to move and add the correct payment date in the Cheque Date box. 
  5. Click on Move cheques to cashbook without printing.3.png
  6. You will see a Print Cheques screen and leave the settings as in the picture and green tick. 4.png
  7. Click Yes to confirm and your transaction will be moved to the Transactions section. 5.png
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