Once a pay run is created in Employment Hero, we recommend that your superannuation payments are paid directly from Agrimaster using the EFT payment feature. This will greatly reduce manual data entry errors and speed up the monthly and annual reconciliation process.
Please Note
When importing your pay run as a transaction or EFT in Agrimaster, two transactions will be created per eligible employee, per pay period; one for super and one for wages. This means if you pay your employees fortnightly, you will have a new super record created per employee per fortnight.
If you pay super quarterly, you will need to future date the super record when importing and keep these records in your cashbook until you pay them.
The process below outlines the entire process for handling superannuation, from finalising the pay run in Employment Hero to making the super payment to the Super Clearing House.
- Finalise pay run in Employment Hero.
Import the pay run (this includes super) for the period into the EFT Section in Agrimaster.
Please Note
If you pay super quarterly, you may have a number of transactions sitting in your cashbook until you are ready to pay them. - Amalgamate your Payments.
- From the Home page, click Cashbook.
- To find your superannuation transactions, click on the EFT Acc/Pay Cheques button.
- On the Electronic Funds Transfer, Accounts Payable, Cheques window, click on EFT.
- The Export to [Bank Name] window will display.
- Ensure the Pay From Account is correct.
- Ensure the Batch Process Date is correct.
- To select all payments to be included in the batch, click and drag all with your mouse (or use the CTRL key and the mouse to select non-consecutive payments.)
- Ensure the Number of Payments and Total of Payments are both correct.
- Tick the Amalgamate Selected SuperStream Payments box.
- Select your Clearing House Name, complete the EFT details and enter your lodgement reference (these will be remembered for future payments however it is crucial you ensure you check the reference is correct each time).
- If you are using the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House, you will need to enter your ATO reference number in the Your ABN field (not the ABN) due to recent changes carried out by the ATO.
- Click the green tick or press F10 to proceed.
- A message will pop up, asking if you have confirmed the Payment and Lodgement Reference details are correct as indicated from the Superannuation Clearing House.
- If you have an existing ABA file in your C:\Users\Public\Agrimaster\Netbank\ folder, you will now see the following window prompting you to check if you have uploaded it to your bank already.
- Click Yes to delete the existing ABA file before exporting the new file (unless you have a previous ABA file still to be uploaded to your bank). Click No if you still need to upload the existing ABA file to your bank and exit out of the screen to cancel.
- Click Yes to delete the existing ABA file before exporting the new file (unless you have a previous ABA file still to be uploaded to your bank). Click No if you still need to upload the existing ABA file to your bank and exit out of the screen to cancel.
- A final confirmation will be requested, then the payment file will be written and the payments moved to the Transactions section of the casebook. Select Yes to delete the existing file before exporting.
- You will then be asked if you wish to amalgamate all payments to this payee, select Yes or No.
- The following message will display the number and total value of the transactions exported. Select Yes to proceed.
- You will now be returned to the EFT export screen.
Please Note
The super payments you selected should no longer be listed here. Although they may have been amalgamated as one payment, they have been moved to the Transactions section as two separate transactions, ready for reconciliation: - The net pay ABA file (holds your EFT payments) is now ready to be imported to your bank by logging onto the bank internet site and uploading this file
- From the Home page, click Cashbook.