
Integration Setup - Source

This article will explain what the Source section in the Integration Setup means and how it works.


To Setup Source Integration
This section of the payroll setup only needs to be done once.
  1. Click on Source. 
  2. Click KeyPay button to select KeyPay as the source of the data you wish to import into Agrimaster. The integration has been developed this way so that we can add other payroll software in the future if required.source.png
  3. The Source section will minimise once you click on KeyPay, so you can continue to the Credentials part of the setup.
Please Note
KeyPay is a third-party payroll product. You will need to contact KeyPay directly for support related to KeyPay. For support related to the integration of KeyPay with Agrimaster, you can contact our Customer Support team: Log a Support Ticket.


Continue To
Integration Setup - Credentials

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