
Refresh Licence for Expired Files

This article is for users who are experiencing an Expired status on their file in the File List or "The licence for this file has expired" message when opening the file.


Expired Status

This can occur if your subscription renewal was paid after the renewal date or if your business name or ABN was updated recently.


What to do:

  1. Ensure you have a valid subscription.
  2. If the expired file is not your main file, it will either need to be assigned an Agrimaster Read Only licence or you may need to purchase an additional licence. 
  3. If the above does not help, please contact Customer Support and provide the details below:

    • User number
    • Entity Name for the file
    • ABN for file
    • Name of File


"The licence for this file has expired" when opening the file


  1. If you are getting an error message when opening the file, refresh your licence by clicking the three-dot stack and then the Refresh Licence button as per the below image:
  2. If the above does not help, please contact Customer Support and provide the details below:
    • User number
    • Entity Name for the file
    • ABN for file
    • Name of File

Our Customer Support team will investigate and ensure your file is available to use.

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