This article will explain what the Matching Business section is for and how we get your Employment Hero data to talk to your Agrimaster file.
In Employment Hero, you can have multiple Employing Entities, however, the payroll API is linked to the user, not the Employing Entity.
To Match Business Details
- When you input the API key for your Employment Hero account in the Credentials section and press Search, File Manager looks for the ABN in the Employment Hero business details that matches the ABN for the subscription linked to your Agrimaster file.
- File Manager then displays the business name and ABN for you to check.
- Once you have verified that the details are correct, select Link.
The business is now integrated message will be displayed as below:
- Click Complete and you will be directed back to the main payroll page where the Payroll Setup button will now be available to select:
Please Note
Employment Hero is a third-party payroll product. You will need to contact Employment Hero directly for support related to Employment Hero. For support related to the integration of Employment Hero with Agrimaster, you can contact our Customer Support team: Log a Support Ticket.
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Employment Hero Payroll Setup