
Email Payslips From Wagemaster Manually

This article is for clients who cannot setup the emailing in Wagemaster and wanting to email payslips as  attachments in their preferred mail application.

There are two ways from where you can print the payslips manually: 

  1. Print payslips through the Payslip Print wizard or
  2. Print payslips through the Employee Record. 

Option 1: Print/Save Payslips Through The Payslip Print Wizard 

  1. Navigate to Employee record to select Pay Slip Options by clicking on Employee. step_7.png
  2. Click on the name box to choose the employee’s name that you wish to print the payslip for (this needs to be done only for the first time).  step_7_a.png
  3. Click on the Employment button and Pay Slip Options, tick the box next to Save in the folder specified below and click on 3 dots to select the location for saving payslips and click on Close to save changes. Repeat this step for all the employees. 2.png
  4. From the PPE Calendar menu, click the required pay period ending date to be printed.ppe.png
  5. Navigate to Reports and then click on Payslips > Print Wizard. 
  6. You will get a wizard as below, You can also change the pay period ending dates from the box highlighted in red by clicking on the 3 dots. Click Next and Next again. 11.png
  7. Select the Pay Slip Sort Order, select Default Print Destination as printer, tick the box for Use employee destination and click the three dots. 
  8. Select Microsoft Print to PDF as in the picture below and click OK. (If you do not have this option, please look at the instructions after option 2 below on how to get this feature). 
  9. If you are saving payslips for the first time, all the employees will have a tick next to their name.  7.png
  10. If you are resaving the payslips, select employees to be included by clicking the Employees name. 8.png
  11. Click Next. You will see the destination of all the payslips selected. Employees having a folder selected as in Step 3 will have all payslips saved in their individual folders and employees set on email will have 1 combined pdf document to be saved.
  12. Click on Finish if you are happy with the destination or go back to make changes.9.png
  13. You can access employee payslips in the individual folders or click OK on the Print Wizard for the employees having no individual folder selected as in Step 3 and directed to be printed as PDF. 4.png
  14. Select the destination folder as selected in Step 3 above to save the payslips, add the file name and click Save.5.png
  15. You can email payslips to your employees from your email account by attaching their payslips from the payslip folders.

Option 2: Print/Save Payslips Through The Employee Record (Alternative To Above Steps)

  1. Navigate to Employee record to select the Pay Slip required by clicking on Employee.  step_7.png
  2. Click on the name box to choose the employee’s name that you need  to print the payslip for. step_7_a.png
  3. Click on Payments > Past Pays and right click on the required payslip and you will get the Print Pay Slip option. Click on it.
  4. Your payslip will be displayed. Click on the Print button and Print again. 
  5. Select Microsoft Print to PDF and click OK. (If you do not have this option, please look at the instructions below on how to get this feature).
  6. Select the destination folder to save the payslips, add the file name and click Save. 5.png
  7. You can email payslips to your employees from your email account by attaching their payslips from the payslip folders.

If You Do Not See Print To PDF As An Option

In some situations, the Print to PDF feature may not be visible. Double-check the printer list to see if you have scrolled past it. Once you are certain it's not there, please read the following instructions. 

  1. Click the Windows button to open the Start menu and type Turn Windows features on or off. mceclip0.png
  2. Double click the option that appears as per the above image.
  3. Make sure to tick the feature of Microsoft Print to PDF.mceclip2.png
  4. Click OK & restart your computer. print as pdf on windows 10
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