
Create a Quick Budget by Importing Cashbook data from previous year


You could use this function if you are creating a Quick Budget for the first time and would like to use last year’s figures as the basis for this year’s budget. This is done using the import cashbook feature.

Note: If you use this feature with an existing budget, it will overwrite any pre-existing values in the budget.

  1. Click the Import from Cashbook button 

  1. The following dialogue box will be displayed. Tick the box in the Shift Forward section 

  2. Select the dates you require in First month to import & Last Month to import
  3. Chose the required bank account(s)
  4. Click the green tick
  5. You will be asked if you wish to erase data. Click Yes 

  6. Your new budget will appear like this with the grey shaded area ‘locked’. You can unlock the budget by removing the CB Lock tick at the top right-hand corner of the screen 

  7. You can now enter data & edit the figures from last year.
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