When harvest proceeds are deposited to the Farm Cheque Account, these must not be coded to the wheat income Code as it will generate GST.
In Agrimaster, they must be entered via the Cash Transfers option. These funds are an advance (loan payment) on unsold grain, therefore, are not subject to GST until the grain is sold by the AWB and hence the distribution payments are made.
To Enter Cash Transfer
- Start at the Home Page.
- Click on Cashbook.
- Click on Cash Transfers.
- Click on Add New.
- Enter the Date field, obtain this from payment date from the top right of Harvest Payment Advice.
- From the first dropdown list, select the Account From (i.e. 2019/2020 Loan Lender).
- From the second dropdown list, select the Account To (i.e. Farm Cheque Account).
- Enter the Amount field. Obtain these figures from the right of the wording "paid to nominated payee bank account", on the Harvest Payment Advice. This figure is not what is on the Harvest Statement as it is net of the underwriting fee.
- Type your Remarks (i.e. Harvest Loan Net of Underwriting Fee).
- Click the green tick or press F10 to save the data.