
Monthly Interest Payments: Enter A Transaction

Growers can elect to receive their National Harvest Payment (Load) Statement for each harvest season monthly or quarterly. Monthly interest payments will appear on these statements.

The interest will need to be entered into Agrimaster's cashbook as a transaction. Once all details have been entered, the statement can then be reconciled to the cashbook. 

To Enter A Transaction

  1. Click Transactions.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Select the required Grain Loan Acc from the bank account dropdown list. 
  4. In the Date field, enter the date obtained from the Loan Statement. 
  5. In the Name field, enter AWB Ltd. 
  6. In the Code field, select the Code, Grain Loan Interest (this will have a Financial GST category).
  7. In the Descritpion field, enter Grain Interest.
  8. In the Amount field, enter the figure obtained from the Loan Statement. 
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