
View GST Correction

Once the adjustments have been made to the GST by using either the non-cash adjustment method or GST correction method, the corrected GST can be viewed by following the steps below. 

  1. If you want to view corrections, you need to do this from the Tax Reports menu.
  2. Click View & Print GST corrections to see any changes you have made.
  3. Click Record Number to display details and audit trail of the original and altered record.
  4. Click the word No to change to Yes if the adjustment is to be recorded on the current BAS.
  5. The adjustment is included in the correct G number in the current BAS with a note beside to clarify the amount from a past period.
  6. You can view the history of your changes by clicking on the item in the list either in the white or yellow section.
  7. You will now see the GST Audit Trail for the record you clicked on.

Please Note:

If you have any problems or questions relating to GST corrections, you may wish to consult your accountant.

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