
Working Offline In A File That You Have Not Shared With Anyone

When Can I Work Offline?

When you work offline in a file that you have not shared you need to:

  1. Open the file via File Manager - you will need an internet connection for this.

  2. Once the file is open you can disconnect from the internet and continue to work offline.

  3. To save the changes you have made in the file whilst you were using it offline you need to reconnect to the internet and your file will backup to File Manager - you will see a revised file in File Manager with the date and time that it was backed up.

Who Should I Inform When Working Offline?

If the file is unshared and you intend to work offline you don’t need to let anyone know.

What Should I Do If The Internet Drops Out?

You can work offline with an unshared file as you only need an internet connection to open the file initially. Once open, you can be disconnected from the internet and continue working.

To save the changes you have made in the file whilst you were using it offline you need to reconnect to the internet and your file will backup to File Manager - you will see a revised file in File Manager with the date and time that it was backed up.

When Should I Use Read Only?

You can open a file in Read Only to view data and run reports in Agrimaster whenever you want to. Any changes made to the file will NOT be saved. When you close the file you have open as Read Only no record is added to File Manager history so you will not see a new version of the file.


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