
Create Cashflow Forecast Report

If you use budgets in Agrimaster you can select a budget to use with this report, if you don’t use
a budget you can manually enter your forecasted figures.

We strongly recommend you set up a budget if you want to get the most out of this report. You can access the cashflow forecast report at any time or change it so that it doesn’t display on start up.

  1. Click on Cashbook.
  2. click on Report.
  3. Click on Creditor/Debtor Reports.
  4. Click on Cashflow Forecast.
  5. You will now be at the dashboard summary report options menu. The first time you have used this report it may take a few minutes to configure it, once you are happy with the report then you can leave these options as is and simply view the report each time.
  6. Once you have selected the options you require to click the green tick and then click the view report button.
  7. You will now see the first page of the cashflow forecast report.
  8. Click on the green down arrow at the top of the page to view page 2 of the report.

How Does This Work? 

It takes the estimated cashflow position form the current month and makes it the opening bank balance of the next month and then uses the budget you have created to complete the rest of the forecasted figures. This also takes into account any forecasted creditors and debtors in future months.


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