
Upload EFT Payments Into Internet Banking

Once all payments have been entered into Agrimaster you need to import/upload the netpay.aba file into your bank. If you don’t upload the batch file to your Internet Banking website, no payment will be made. This will affect your reconciliation as there will be transactions that should’ve been paid not appearing on your bank statement.

  1. Login to your banking website. 
    • Please Note: Enter your Access ID or user number and PIN or password yo login to your bank. Contact your bank to obtain these details.
  2. Find the Payment Upload/Bulk Payments/Pay Anyone section (the name of this will vary depending on your bank).
    • Click Browse.
    • Double click Local Disk C: from the top dropdown window.
  3. . Double-click Users > Public > Agrimaster > Netbank folder.
    The Path C:\Users\Public\Agrimaster\Netbank\netpay.aba should now be displayed.
    • Select netpay.aba (the batch file you have just created). 
  4. Click Upload.
  5. Follow your bank’s procedure to confirm and then authorise the payment. This process will vary depending on your bank. Please call your bank’s technical support/helpline or contact your bank manager if you require assistance.
  6. You can now process another file for payment if required.
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