
EVariantTypeCastError: Could Not Convert Variant Of Type (String) Into Type (Double) Error Message

This article is for users who are experiencing 'EVariantTypeCastError: Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)' error message when attempting to run ATO Payment Summary Report.

This normally occurs when the client has a region and language setting other than Australian English.

This error can be resolved on the device that Wagemaster is installed. Go into Control Panel > Region. Please ensure that Format = English (Australia) and Short Date = dd/MM/yyyy. 

Please Note: Some environments may not allow these settings to be modified. Please refer to your IT in that situation. Wagemaster is only designed to be run in environments with the English Australia language setting and region as Australia. The short date must be dd/MM/yyyy. If the region is set to the US or another county you are likely to see more varied diagnostics and issues presenting than just the scenario above. In addition to reporting, leave is also affected by the date format. 

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