
Agrimaster Icon No Longer In The Toolbar

This help article is for users who have updated to Release 6.5.0 and the Agrimaster icon has turned into a white paper icon on your toolbar. 

With Release 6.5.0, Agrimaster now launches in an internet browser. Due to this, there will no longer be an Agrimaster icon in your toolbar.

Delete the paper icon and open Agrimaster:

  • To delete the paper icon on your toolbar, double click on the paper icon.
  • You will receive a pop-up with "Can't open this item".
  • Click Yes to delete the icon.
  • The below Agrimaster icon will now be on your desktop.


  • Agrimaster will launch by double-clicking this icon.
  • You must be using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your default internet browser to launch Agrimaster.

User Tip:

You can save Agrimaster as a bookmark in your internet browser and open it within your internet browser going forward.


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