If you are reporting on transactions and see that superannuation has been recorded as wages, the transaction will need to be reviewed to ensure it has been entered correctly.
You will need to review each transaction in Agrimaster that is showing as wages incorrectly, and make sure that the 'Format' is set to 'Post GST' and not 'Wages and Tax Deduction'.
Format is the first drop-down box at the top of the page that you see when editing a transaction.
You can edit the transactions by using the 'Repair Past' function for fixing transaction errors in months that have already been reconciled and closed.
If you are a Wagemaster customer, and need to make sure that the super allocation is correct when you import for your Wages Tax Deducted Report, you will need to disable the Wages and Tax deducted format when importing.
You can do this when importing the payroll by clicking on the Wagemaster File tab then ticking the Disable wages tax deducted format change when importing: