The following list provides brief explanations of some of the common terms used in Wagemaster and Single Touch Payroll.
Clients should discuss with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or their accountant for further clarification.
The software programme is called WageEasy Payroll but is licensed as Wagemaster for Agrimaster customers. With Wagemaster, customers can have up to 35 active employees for no additional cost.
Awards (modern awards) are legal documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment.
There are approx 122 industry or occupation awards that cover most people who work in Australia.
In Wagemaster, Awards refers to the set of employment conditions of your employees.
Who do awards cover?
Awards apply to businesses and employees depending on the industry in which they work and the type of job worked. Every award has information about who it covers.
Awards don’t apply when a business has a registered agreement in place. If your workplace has a registered agreement, refer to Fair Work Australia (
Pastoral Award
At Agrimaster, we create your payroll file based on the Pastoral Award.
Full-Time, Part-Time and Casual employees
You could have some of each type of employees (e.g. Full-Time, Part-Time and Casual) all under the same Pastoral Award but with different award conditions based on their roles.
In Wagemaster, Awards refers to the set of employment conditions of your employees
Awards cover the core employment conditions or payment arrangements for all employees in the company.
Pay calculation factors for conditions such as overtime, normal time, leave, shift work, meal breaks, public holidays, rostered days off (RDO's), superannuation, and termination can be specified in the award file.
You can even have several employees covered under the same award where all of their conditions like Leave, Sick Leave etc are the same but some are paid at a different hourly rate based on experience or qualification.
File Setup
The term we use to describe creating your payroll file (our recommended option for an additional fee).
This process covers licensing the file plus creating the necessary components like employee records, awards, pay rates and superannuation funds to provide you with a fully functioning payroll file.
Single Touch Payroll
Single Touch Payroll (STP) is an initiative of the ATO which requires employers to report salary and wage payments and relevant payroll details online every payday.
Wagemaster/Agrimaster integration
Agrimaster and Wagemaster are two separate software programmes that are licensed to work with each other.
All payroll and personal information is managed in Wagemaster including Single Touch Payroll (STP). Wagemaster allows you to report salary and wage payments and relevant payroll details online every payday.
Wagemaster creates pay-slips which can be emailed to employees.
Agrimaster imports the relevant details for PAYG Payroll Payments and Superannuation Payments from Wagemaster.
Agrimaster continues to be the source of information to compile the BAS.
Daily Pay Rates and Piece Rates
Wagemaster allows you to create Base Pay Rates using Hourly and Daily Rates of payment and even Piece Rates (e.g. $3.53 / sheep shorn).
Wagemaster also allows you to create and use Allowances either as additional payments e.g. Meal Allowance or as Deductions such as Board. Allowances can be Taxable or Non-Taxable as required.
PPE Date
The Pay Period Ending (PPE) Date is the effective cut-off day for calculations for pay runs.
For example, if you have employees on a weekly pay cycle you can set the PPE date as every Wednesday to capture and calculate pays (either as a set salary or based on hours worked) up to and including close of business each Tuesday.
Payday Frequency
You can pay your staff across six different pay frequencies: weekly, fortnightly, four weekly, bi-monthly, monthly or calendar month.
For example, some staff can be on a fortnightly pay cycle while others are monthly cycle, as is required to suit your company operation.
Time off in Lieu
Wagemaster provides the award structure to set accruals to take Time off in Lieu instead of paying overtime.
Other Integrations for Wagemaster |
Wagemaster links to time & attendance systems & apps (e.g. Deputy) to import timesheets and leave requests from employees.