At the end of each BAS period and at the end of a financial year, the recommended practice is to check that your Wagemaster Super Report totals match those in your Agrimaster Super Reports.
This report should be run to ensure that the super recorded and paid in Wagemaster match the super recorded & paid in your Agrimaster cashbook software.
To cross-check that the super paid for each period reconciles with Agrimaster, you will need to run Super Report in Wagemaster as well as Agrimaster.
Please Note
If you pay the April - June quarter within June just to wrap it with the financial year then we recommend reconciling the whole year thoroughly. If you pay the April-June quarter later than 30th June then you will need to select the dates accordingly. This will require manually looking for each transaction.
Generate The Employee Superannuation Report From Wagemaster
Select Reports.
Go to Employee and click on Superannuation.
Enter the date range you require for the report. Ensure you select the relevant dates and all employees as required. You might need to check your financial year boundaries if you are running a yearly report to ensure correct dates are included and click Refresh.
From Field: Always choose the first pay period ending (PPE).
To Field: Enter the last pay period ending (PPE) date.
Or, you can use the Year to Date (Financial) option if you're doing the whole financial year.
The Last Quarter can also be useful if you are doing a BAS period check.
You can print this report or have the report open when reconciling (you can print it as a PDF as well).
Generate The Super Report FroM Agrimaster By Creating A Stacked Report
The Stacked Report is a custom report generator. It is the most powerful report in Agrimaster as it allows you to quickly report on any number of management areas.
Unlike other reports that have mostly fixed parameters, the Stacked Report Generator gives you flexibility because it can quickly produce a variety of reports using criteria selected by you. Transaction data can then be displayed for up to four levels, based on your selections such as Code, Enterprise, Allocation, description (saved), year, quarter, month, bank and name.
To Produce A Stacked Report
At the Home Page, click Cashbook.
Click Report.
Click Stacked Report.
The Stacked Report Generator will be displayed. You have up to four levels of selection categories to filter the data for reporting within a selected date range.
Use the drop-down arrow in the Level 1: field to select the first search category, for example, Code.
A list of Codes will appear below the first level from which you must select the search criteria. In this example, we are using Staff Superannuation/Code that you have set for your employee super. You can select more Codes at once by pressing the Ctrl key if you have a different super Codes setup in any case.
Select the First Month and the Last Month from the drop-down boxes. In this example, we are using July 2019 to June 2020.
In the Report Type section, you can choose Totals or Details. In this example, we are using Details which will display all transactions within the chosen date range.
In the Sort By section, you can sort the filtered transactions by Date, Record or Reference. In this example, we will sort the report by Date.
In the Date to use section, you can filter transactions.
Select any optional information you wish to display from the Options and Include: sections.
The report may also be given a title.
You can also save the format if you want and load it again next time whenever you require it.
Click the green tick to display your report on the screen.
Click the printer icon to print the report (or create a PDF copy to save or email).
Click the black cross after printing the report.
Reconcile both the reports and if there is any difference find out the difference and do the changes accordingly before doing the final reporting.
Please Note
Ensure the super calculated in Wagemaster and Agrimaster is 10% for the financial year 2022 and 10.50% for the financial year 2023 of the total gross. For any differences in Agrimaster, you can re-import the missing transactions by selecting the correct pay period. For any differences in amounts in Wagemaster, find out the pay periods where the missing amount belongs and do a supplementary payslip to adjust the differences.