Agrimaster allows you to have as many bank, loan, credit card, merchandise or stock accounts as your business requires. They can be added to your file at any time and deactivated when no longer in use.
To run a super file or personal drawings etc. as a bank account:
- Start at Agrimaster Home Page
- Click Setup & Tools
- Click Cashbook Setup
- Click Bank Accounts
- Where Bank Accounts don't exist, you will be in 'Add New' mode
- If Bank Accounts exist, click the Add New icon or press F6 to switch to 'Editing' mode
- Complete the required details where the cursor appears. Press Enter or the Tab keys to progress through to each field
- Ensure Opening Balances and As at dates are correct. If the bank account is open, ensure Active account checkbox is ticked.
- Click the green tick or press F10 to save the data.
- Repeat the above steps for additional super that require adding to the file.
Please Note: If your ABN Is different to that of your primary business file, an appropriate subscription must be purchased.