
Send Zero Pay

In Wagemaster an option has been added to the STP Update Event to allow ‘Send Zero Pay’. When an employee has ‘Send Zero Pay’ selected, the ‘Final Pay’ check box will automatically be selected. Once this is done, changes can then be made to any of the above-mentioned fields to be used moving forward.

STP Update – option to ‘Zero YTD Values’

For STP reporting, the ATO uses four primary pieces of information to match payments to employees.  These are ATO Branch Number, Company ABN, Employee Number and BMS ID.  In instances where any of the first three records change, before completing the change, it is necessary to ‘Send Zero Pay’ data.  If ‘Send Zero Pay’ is not done before any of these records are changed, then issues may arise in the data sent via STP reporting, likely duplication of payments in employee myGov accounts.

When an employee has ‘Send Zero Pay’ selected, the ‘Final Pay’ check box will automatically be selected.  Once this is done, changes can then be made to any of the above-mentioned fields to be used moving forward.

Selecting ‘Send Zero Pay’ for an employee will not change the records within Wagemaster but will zero previous STP reported totals.


Employee numbers are being changed.

Employee Sharon Anderson (ANDO) is having a change made to her employee number.


Current STP reports under this employee number ANDO show Gross of 1308.80, Tax 592, Super 124.34 and OTE 1308.80.


From STP Update, select the Employee and tick to ‘Send Zero Pay’ and ‘Report to ATO’ and complete Declaration.


The resultant Update Event for the employee will have all values zeroed out and the ‘Final Pay’ box will automatically be ticked.


Once the Update Event has received the Success message, the employee number can then be changed as required.

Messaging has been added to advise of negative impacts on STP reporting that can arise from changing this information.  In this instance, changing the employee number is OK as previous values have been zeroed so select Yes to change the employee number.


When next STP reporting for the employee, the new employee number ANDO2 will be used and the YTD totals will be correctly reported against this new Employee No.




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