
Understanding Agrimaster's Coding System

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This help article is for users who want a further understanding of Agrimaster's coding system. 

Agrimaster has a six-tiered coding system
(codes, enterprises, allocations, farm codes, quantities, and descriptions).


This level of coding provides farmers with greater flexibility for detailed cashbook reporting and business management purposes. This level of current and historical reporting is also essential when making key budgeting decisions.

Agrimaster allows farmers to set up and customise their cashbook and budgeting code lists to suit their business needs. At times, this may be too much information for their Advisors (Consultants and Accounts) so Agrimaster has an Alternate Code lists feature. This allows farmers to map their custom-designed code list to their Advisors Chart of Accounts to produce a simplified Cash Trial Balance Report or exporting Budget data to Excel.

The Stacked Report is a management, custom-built report generator and is one of the most powerful reports in Agrimaster. The level of complexity put in when coding cashbook transactions and fully utilising the six-tiered coding system really pays off when using the Stacked Report Generator.  It allows quick reporting on any number of management areas.

Unlike other reports that have mostly fixed parameters, the Stacked Report Generator gives flexibility because it can quickly produce a variety of reports using selection criteria. Transaction data can be displayed for up to four levels plus other options, based on selections such as code, farm code, enterprise, allocation, description (saved), quantity, year, quarter, month, bank account and name.  

Code is the term used in Agrimaster to describe the transaction or ledger account name such as Water Repairs, Canola Sales, Sheep Sales. The code determines whether a transaction is a receipt (income) or payment (expenditure).

The code list in Agrimaster is made up of Major Headings, Group Headings and Codes. The code list includes the information your Accountant or Consultant requires to generate a profit and loss, balance sheet and cash trial balance reports plus what you need for your day to day management reporting purposes.   

Codes are how you search for data easily when a report is required and allows the accurate calculation of the GST. For fast entry of data, codes can be automatically linked to enterprises, farm codes, allocations, and quantity types.

When setting up codes, it's important to assign:

  • A GST category. This allows Agrimaster to automatically calculate the GST when entering transactions (i.e. GST or GST free).
  • Enterprise type.
  • Instalment Tax status (i.e. cost of goods sold, overhead, taxable or not).
  • An Income Type (i.e. sales, capital receipts).
  • A Quantity type (i.e. each, head, tonne, litres).

The number of codes you can have in Agrimaster is unlimited, however, more is not necessarily best practise. As information and reporting requirements are unique for every business it's best to customise code lists imported from other files or used by other parties to suit your business needs. 

Farm Codes:
Agrimaster gives you the ability to report on a 'per Farm' basis as well as by enterprise and allocations.  

Enterprises is a major income-earning business activity within your business, such as sheep, cattle or cropping. Any transaction can have an enterprise recorded against it so enterprise based reports can be generated. You will need to have and use enterprises if you wish to use the full budget function of Agrimaster.

Transactions in the cashbook can also be allocated to a cost centre.

An example of this would be: 

  • Code = Repairs & Maintenance.
  • Farm Code = Sunny View.
  • Enterprise = Hay.
  • Allocation = Tractor#3.

Like Enterprises, if data is entered in a uniform manner it is an excellent management tool when collating reports. 

Allocations are optional and are only used in the cashbook when an appropriate for an item. Allocations are essential to feed the Stock Control Registry. 

Quantities are used to assist with the automatic calculation of the Fuel Tax rebate for the BAS, stock reconciliation, management reports and pulling together data for budget preparation. An example of a quantity: tonne, hectare, acre, head, litres.

Descriptions in Agrimaster can be added to all transactions either freehand or permanently saved. 

Permanently saved descriptions can be reused for future transactions by just typing the first few letters of the description. Management reports can also be built with permanently saved descriptions. 

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