In order for GST, PAYG and Fuel Rebate to be accurately calculated you must enter tax opening balances. These can be obtained via Tax Reports in the Cashbook menu.
- If your budget period commences January, April, July or October you will have a Nil GST opening balance because your return has just been lodged
- If your budget period commences January, April, July or October and you use the PAYG Income Tax setup, you will have a Nil PAYG opening balance because your return has just been lodged
- If you are on a monthly return basis for all taxes, this will also mean that you will have Nil opening balances because the return has just been lodged.
- Click the Tax Off icon to turn it to Tax On
- Click the Tax Open Bal icon to:
- Enter all opening GST balances for accounts linked to the Full Budget and select the Bank Account that will receive or pay the GST (i.e. Farm Cheque Account, 19/20 AWB Loan Acc)
- Enter the opening Fuel Rebate balance and select the Bank Account that will receive the Rebate (i.e. Farm Cheque Account)
- Enter the opening PAYG Income Tax balance and select the Bank Account that will pay the PAYG (i.e. Farm Cheque Account)
- To record the late payment/receipt of the December quarter BAS/IAS click and enter the date the payment/receipt is due, the amount and the bank account that will receive or pay the GST/PAYG
- Click or press F10 to save data.
- To recalculate the Taxes in the Full Budget, click the Recalculate icon.