After you have created your budget you should check the Suspense Receipts and Suspense Payments codes for any items that have not been correctly coded when creating worksheets.
- Choose the ‘Suspense Receipts’ and/or ‘Suspense Payments’ code from the code list on the right-hand side
- Click on one of the blue values in the yellow column. This will display a list of the worksheets with the un-coded values within. It will also display the value of each un-coded receipt and/or payment.
- To be taken directly to the required worksheet to fix the un-coded receipts and payments, click on the line concerned
- Click Yes
- Find the cell in which the code shows Suspense Receipts (or Suspense Payments)
- Click F5 and select the correct code
- Once you have fixed the error in the worksheet, ensure you save the worksheet by clicking the Green Tick . To return to the budget, Black Cross and choose Yes when prompted to save any changes
- When you return to the full budget a message box will ask you to recalculate to allow for the changes you have made; choose Yes and repeat the process until all missing codes have been repaired in both 'Suspense Receipts' and 'Suspense Payments'.