Move Worksheet Line
Use these two icons to move a worksheet line up or down, relative to lines surrounding it. Click the grey numbered line first.
Insert Line
Use this icon to insert a new blank line into the worksheet. You must click the grey numbered line first.
Use this icon to delete the highlighted line. You must click the grey numbered line first.
Copy & Paste
Use these icons to copy or paste a line of data within the worksheet.
Click here to produce input and production reports on this and other worksheets.
Click here for help entering data into the worksheet.
Worksheet Calculator On/Off
Here you are able to turn the worksheet calculator on or off. This means you can calculate a set area only if you wish to do so.
Sub Total
This allows you to give a total of several lines in the worksheet (e.g. + Ewes Total).
Open Another Worksheet Group
This allows you to have direct access to other Enterprise and Assets & Liabilities worksheets. Up to four sets of worksheets can be open at once. Those open will have a #.
Open Another Budget
Allows you access to other budgets in this file.
The grey headings with F5 in the heading text allow you to insert a Formula into the grey areas of the worksheets. This will link data from other worksheets.
Cost List
This is used to determine the cost of a particular action on the farm. An example would be how to calculate the number of Wool Packs required for shearing.
This icon allows you to print the worksheet data that you have entered (should only be used for quick un-formatted reports).
By clicking this icon or pressing F10, it will save your data. Do this every few minutes or so and prior to closing your Budget or Worksheet.
Month Distribution
Press F5 or click this icon to select the month or months for data to be distributed directly to the budget. It will distribute data into receipts or payments, the bank account and the value.
Here you can change the month distribution from the same code for all lines (red) to a different code for each line (black).
This allows you to attach relevant grain income calculator sets to this worksheet and edit if necessary.
These keys (each half of the square brackets) copy the information from the cell above. Once you have entered information into a cell, press either of these keys in a later line in the same column and the information will be repeated. You can also use your right-click button on your mouse to copy the line above.