
Importing Actuals From The Cashbook

A common scenario with many Agrimaster users is to import the cashbook figures into the copied budget.  

Each month after the cashbook is reconciled the cashbook data is imported into the copy. Adjustments are made to resolve anomalies between the two sections and future balances can be examined to see if plans need to be altered.

To Import The Cashbook:

  1. Open the copy of the budget where you want to import the cashbook actuals.
  2. On a multi-year budget, select All Years.
  3. Click the Import button.1.PNG
  4. The following dialogue box will be displayed.
  5. Click to select whether to import data by cashbook date (as entered) or the date it was cleared on the bank statement.
  6. The window will default to all Codes selected and highlighted. If you wish to select specific codes to import, click Select to remove the highlighting.
  7. To restrict the imported data to just some of the Codes, use the directions shown on the window.
  8. Click the green tick to import cashbook data.
  9. Select the last month for which you wish to import data and click the green tick to continue.

Edit Last Imported Month

After importing the cashbook to a copy of your budget, you may find it necessary to edit the last imported month (particularly if the month has not been reconciled). The cells filled with cashbook data will be grey and locked from editing. You can unlock those cells by clicking the Unlock Cashbook button 5.PNG

They can be re-locked by clicking it again. 

To erase cashbook figures in the grey locked area of the direct entry section, due to possible doubling-up of figures you would:

  1. Click the Unlock Cashbook button to unlock the cashbook data.
  2. Click the relevant Code.
  3. Click the grey box in the month where the figure needs deleting.
  4. Press the Delete key.
  5. Re-lock the cashbook by clicking the Lock Cashbook button.
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