
Crop Pools Worksheet

This worksheet is mainly for pools of previous years where the opening equity is known and pool income during the year can be estimated.  The pool income is then included in the cash flow, the opening and closing equity included in the Statement of Position.

The current budget year’s production should only be recorded in the Crop Enterprise worksheets.  In a situation where a Budget Year begins in February and ends in January, generally only the first advance will be shown as income in the Crop Enterprise worksheet.  All other pool equity will be shown as an asset.

  1. In cell one, enter the CROP, press enter
  2. Enter the YEAR, press enter 
  3. Enter the TONNES, press enter 
  4. Enter the EQUITY OLD POOLS $/TONNE, press enter 
  5. Enter the first expected ADV $/T, press enter
  6. In the MONTH cell, press F5 or the MONTH  mceclip1.png icon to select the month of the receipt, budget code and bank account to which it is to be allocated, click mceclip2.png tick or press F10  to save

  7. Enter any subsequent advances expected, not for forgetting to allocate the receipts to a code, month and bank account
  8. repeat the above for any other expected Crop Pools to show in this worksheet. 


  • Any past pools for any grain should be included here if you have not setup the Grain Income Calculator. 
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