
Processing Leave When Generating Payroll

You can watch our video tutorial below:

When an employee takes leave, it can be entered through the adjustments screen while processing a payslip. This process is used for all leave types such as annual leave, sick leave, long service leave etc. 

  1. Click on the Wages button or select Wages, then Timesheet from the dropdown menus. 
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  2. The timesheet will appear. 
  3. Select the name of the employee you wish to complete the payslip for from the employee dropdown. 
  4. Enter any necessary times in the timesheet as per normal for any days that were worked during the selected pay period. 
  5. Click Next to continue on to the Adjustments screen. 
  6. Select the Leave tab.
  7. Click on Add.
  8. The Edit Leave Payment screen will appear.
  9. Select the type of leave from the dropdown. 
  10. Choose the dates of the leave:
    • From date should be the first day of the current pay period that the employee does not work. 
    • To date should be the last day in the current pay period that the employee does not work. 
    • The duration of the leave period will automatically be calculated.
  11. In the calculation section:
    • The number of days is the correct number of days for which the employee is to be paid leave in the current pay period (for example, an employee might have a leave duration of 14 days, but only be paid for 10 days within that period as they don’t work on weekends). 
    • The hours/day should be the number of hours per day for which the employee is to be paid leave. 
    • 10a x 10b should then automatically calculate to give the total number of hours within the pay period for which the employee should be paid leave.
  12. Click Ok. 
  13. A leave record will appear in the Adjustments screen.
  14. Click on Next. 
  15. The payslip will be displayed.
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