
Update To The Latest Version Of Wagemaster

This article will explain the steps that must be taken to successfully update the latest version of Wagemaster. 


Once you have finished installing Wagemaster remove the Wagemaster icon on your desktop by right-clicking the platinum cup icon and pressing delete.


Before installing any new software update always ensure you have a recent backup of your company file. To do this open Wagemaster through File Manager and close it. Wait for it to back up in File Manager. Ensure File Manager and Wagemaster are closed.


To Install Wagemaster

    1. Click here to download the installer file.
      (NOTE: Please ensure the STP2 migration has been completed)
    2. The download will start and show on the bottom left in a Chrome browser or on the top right of a Microsoft Edge browser. 
    3. After completing the download, run the program by right-clicking on the file.
    4. You may see this message. Click on Run. 


    5. At the Welcome to the Wage Easy Payroll HR Setup Wizard window, click on Next.
    6. Read the License Agreement. Select I accept the agreement. Click on Next.
    7. Wage Easy will install the file to a default folder. Click on Next.
    8. If you get the below screen, click Yes.
    9. At the Select Components window, leave the selection as displayed. Click Next. 
    10. At the Select Start Menu Folder window, click Next.  


    11. Click Install to begin the installation. 
    12. Wage Easy will now start the installation process. 
    13. Click Finish to complete the installation. 
    14. When you open Wagemaster, the Upgrade Company Database window might appear.
      In order for the update to occur, click Upgrade. You do not need to backup, as you backed up on File Manager before the update.
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