The Company Details page shows the fields that are required for STP Reporting. The information in these fields identify you as the employer (payer) in the pay event data reported to the ATO, therefore all information entered must be correct.
All the fields shown in this window come from several different areas of the Company Details:
- The ABN is recorded in File > Company Details > Company > Company Details
- The Physical, Postal Address and Contact Details are recorded in File > Company Details > Company > Address
- The Branch Number is the ATO Branch Number recorded in File > Company Details > Taxation > Tax Configuration
Field |
Description |
In the Postal Address section |
Use Physical Address checkbox |
Tick this checkbox to copy the Physical Address details to the Postal Address fields. When you tick the checkbox, other fields in the Postal Address section are disabled. To make a change to the Postal Address, untick the checkbox first. This checkbox is only available in the STP Setup wizard, it does not appear in the Company Details |
Street Address |
Street Address is mandatory and records your company’s postal address |
City |
City is a mandatory and records your company’s postal city/suburb |
State |
The State field is mandatory for STP reporting and contains the State of the Payroll Company's postal address. Please ensure that the State is entered in capital letters e.g. VIC. The following State Codes are the only acceptable codes for addresses which are to be included in data reported to the ATO: ACT Australian Capital Territory NSW New South Wales NT Northern Territory QLD Queensland SA South Australia VIC Victoria WA Western Australia TAS Tasmania OTH This code must be used for all overseas addresses. |
Postcode |
Postcode is mandatory for STP reporting and contains the postcode of the Payroll Company's postal address. The field can contain a maximum of four numbers. For the purposes of reporting to the ATO, when the State is OTH the Postcode must be 9999. |
Country |
Country is mandatory for STP Reporting. Contains the country of the Payroll Company's postal address. You can only select a Country name from the pre-defined list in the field. |
In the Contact Details section: |
Contact Name |
Contact Name is included in the Payer details sent to the ATO for STP Reporting. It is also used as the default name of the authorised person who completes the STP Reporting Declaration before data is sent to the ATO. |
Email is a mandatory field and must contain an email address in a valid format, e.g. The Email address is included in Payer information transmitted for STP Reporting. |
Telephone |
The Telephone field contains the contact number for the Contact Person/Payroll Company. |
In the ATO Details section |
The ABN, along with the Branch Number help the ATO identify the specific employer submitting STP Reporting data, particularly when the same ABN is used for more than one company. |
Branch Number |
The Branch Number is mandatory and is the ATO-supplied number for the Payroll Company. Branch Numbers are issued by the ATO to Payers that wish to sub-divide their activities for PAYG withholding. If the company does not have a Branch number, this field is set 1 by default. If entering a different Branch Number, it must not contain any leading zeros. |