
Setup Additional Superannuation Contribution-Salary Sacrifice Super

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You may receive requests from employees to pay additional superannuation on their behalf. These can either come from:

  1. Their gross pay (salary sacrifice).
  2. Their net as a voluntary member contribution (employee contribution); or
  3. Employer additional contribution: The company may choose to invest extra superannuation as part of a salary package.

Setup Additional Super Contributions

To setup and manage these additional superannuation contribution records for an employee:

  1. Go to Employee Details by clicking on Employee>Edit Employee
  2. Go to the Payments section of the Employee Details dialogue box, and select the Superannuation page.
  3. You should see the fund contribution record established for the current financial year for an eligible employee either directly or in the Superannuation page of the New Employee Wizard when you nominate a superannuation fund intended for the Compulsory Employer Contribution defined in the default award record selected for the employee.ss4.PNG
  4. You can now Add, Edit or Delete these contributions via the relevant icons above the page.
    Please Note
    It is imperative when adding an additional superannuation contribution record that you use the Add icon and not the Edit icon to eliminate overriding default superannuation contribution records.
  5. Clicking on the Add icon will bring up the Add Superannuation Contribution Details dialogue box, which contains the tabs Contributions and Monthly Tracking.image006.jpg
  6. The Contribution tab allows you to enter the specific details required for the new superannuation contribution records that you wish to create for the employee and in Edit, you can modify the existing superannuation information for an employee.
  7. You can type the superannuation fund directly or select it from the established fund's drop-down list in the Fund Name field. If the fund you required is not available, enter the new fund name in the field and then select one of the add buttons (Add or Quick Add) when the Record Not Found message appears. Alternatively, you can add or edit fund details directly from the superannuation funds option on the Setup menu
  8. In the Member No field you type in the member number assigned to the employee when joining the fund. If an employee has not yet been allocated a member number, it is recommended that you leave the field blank and then enter the correct number when it is allocated.
  9. In the Contribution Type field, you must nominate the contribution record as one of the following four types: employer compulsory (award), employer additional contribution, employee contribution and salary sacrifice.
  10. In the Amount field, enter either the dollar amount, as applicable, for the entire pay period or the percentage figure, as required, and place a tick in the Amount Is % check box by clicking on it.
    Please Note
    When the Contribution Type field is nominated as employer compulsory (award) the Amount field and the Amount Is % check box cannot be edited on this tab as they are set in the award file.
  11. If you are satisfied with your entries, please click on the OK button to save your record and return to the main Employee Superannuation page. You should see a new additional fund contribution record you just created.
  12. In the case of Salary Sacrifice and Employer Additional records, you should also allocate if the contribution will form part of the RESC (Reportable Employer Superannuation Contribution) to appear on the employees ATO Payment Summary.
    Please Note
    This tick box is only required for the Salary Sacrifice and Employer Additional items so will only appear if you add one of these two types of contributions.


Setup Additional Super Contribution In Agrimaster 

  1. From the Home Page, click on Setup & Tools.
  2. Click on Import export Data.
  3. Click on Import From Wagemaster.
  4. Click on the Settings tab.
  5. The line highlighted in yellow needs to be ticked for the Salary Sacrifice Transaction to work.

Transactions Imported From Wagemaster

  1. Salary Sacrifice Super transaction is to be imported and paid along with normal wages as it is reduced. Normal super is imported and paid depending on your super payment schedule, eg: Monthly, Quarterly, etc. 
  2. Wages Transaction will import as below.3.png
  3. Salary Sacrifice Super Transaction will import as below.2.png
  4. There will be 2 separate transactions in your cashbook for that pay period. 


Next Steps

Setup Leave Accruals

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