
Stock Control Setup

Stock Control and management record keeping is a necessary requirement for every farmer.  Good management depends on the ability to manage inventories effectively. 

Stock Control will enable you to keep a track of your stock such as cattle and sheep as well as consumables such as fertilizer and chemicals.

Using Stock Control and setting up Allocations for purchases and sales of livestock will enable the stock to be tracked automatically. This same methodology can be applied to consumables if required.

Setting up and using stock control is essential if you want to use the Balance Sheet in Agrimaster.

Before producing your Stock Control Report, you will need to setup the groups and their respective commodities and allocations before you can enter the transactions.

Groups are a heading used to collect similar commodities. For example, the group heading of cattle may contain the following commodities: bulls, cows and calves.  The group heading of cropping may contain all the different crops you may grow and sheep may contain rams, ewes, hoggets, and lambs.

This article covers:

  • Accessing Stock Control
  • Setting up Groups & Commodities
  • Adding Commodities
  • Entering Opening Balances & Adding Manual Transactions

Accessing Stock Control 

To locate Stock Control: 

  1. From the Home Page, click Assets & Stock.
  2. Click on Stock Control.
  3. You will now be on the Commodity Transactions screen.

Continue To: Setting Up The Groups & Commodities In Stock Control


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