
Create Stock Report

You can generate a Stock Control Report if you need to know the current quantities of your stock for one or more of the following reasons listed below: 

  • Conduct an audit.
  • Collate livestock numbers for your accountant for the end of financial year processing.
  • Budgeting purposes.

To Create The Stock Control Report

  1. From the Home Page, click Assets & Stock.
  2. Click Stock Control.
  3. At the Commodity Transactions window, click the printer button.
  4. The Stock Reports window will open. Select the report you require either the Stock Transfer Report or the Quick Stock Reconciliation – from Stock Control.
  5. Select the report grouping preferences and also whether you show only the current history or the complete history.
  6. Click the printer button.
  7. At the Stock Control Register window, you can:
    • Create a PDF of the report: click the pdf icon.
    • Email the report: click the email icon.
    • Print a hard copy of the report: click the printer button.
  8. Click the black cross to leave the report window. 


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