You can generate a Stock Control Report if you need to know the current quantities of your stock for one or more of the following reasons listed below:
- Conduct an audit.
- Collate livestock numbers for your accountant for the end of financial year processing.
- Budgeting purposes.
To Create The Stock Control Report
- From the Home Page, click Assets & Stock.
- Click Stock Control.
- At the Commodity Transactions window, click the printer button.
- The Stock Reports window will open. Select the report you require either the Stock Transfer Report or the Quick Stock Reconciliation – from Stock Control.
- Select the report grouping preferences and also whether you show only the current history or the complete history.
- Click the printer button.
- At the Stock Control Register window, you can:
- Create a PDF of the report: click the pdf icon.
- Email the report: click the email icon.
- Print a hard copy of the report: click the printer button.
- Create a PDF of the report: click the pdf icon.
- Click the black cross to leave the report window.