You may have some bank accounts, codes, allocations enterprises or names that are no longer used or needed.
For audit and historical reporting purposes, you cannot delete them once used in the Cashbook but Agrimaster allows you to hide bank accounts, codes, allocations enterprises or names from certain views or activities.
Please Note: So that you may access and review old budgets, you cannot hide Bank Accounts or Codes from Budgets.
The procedure is the same for each of these items but because each is done in a different location, details are set out separately below.
Accessing The Setup Module:
There are several ways to access the required setup module. Begin by selecting:
- Setup & Tools which can be found either on windows with the central console of smaller buttons or the home page.
- Click Cashbook Setup on the Setup & Tools window.
- You will then see the Setup menu where you select whichever item needs amending.
Alternatively, you can jump straight into the required Setup screen from a transaction/invoice where you may select whichever item needs amending.
Hide Bank Accounts:
- On the Home screen, click Setup & Tools > Cashbook Setup > Bank Accounts.
- Select the account that is no longer required (generally once it has been reconciled and actually closed by the bank).
- Enter the Closed On date and click the box to remove the tick against Active Account? (unless it is automatically removed when entering the date).
- Click the green tick to save.
The effect of this action is that this bank account will no longer appear in your picklists when creating transactions, invoices and reconciliation.
Hide Codes:
- On the Home screen, click Setup & Tools > Cashbook Setup > Codes.
- Select the code that is no longer required
- Click the box to add a tick against Hide this code.
- Click the green tick to save.
The effect of this action is that this code will no longer appear in your picklists when creating transactions and invoices.
Hide Allocations:
- On the Home screen, click Setup & Tools > Cashbook Setup > Allocations.
- Select the allocation that is no longer required.
- Click the box to add a tick against Hide this allocation.
- Click the green tick to save.
The effect of this action is that this allocation will no longer appear in your picklists when creating transactions and invoices.
Hide Enterprises:
- On the Home screen, click Setup & Tools > Cashbook Setup > Enterprises.
- Select the enterprise that is no longer required.
- Click the box to add a tick against Hide this Enterprise.
- Click the green tick to save.
The effect of this action is that this enterprise will no longer appear in your picklists when creating transactions and invoices.
Hide Names (Contacts):
- On the Home screen, click Setup & Tools > Cashbook Setup > Names.
- Select the name that is no longer required.
- Click the box to add a tick against Hide this name.
- Click the green tick to save.
The effect of this action is that this name will no longer appear in your picklists when creating transactions and invoices.
Please Note: Should you subsequently need to reuse hidden codes, allocations enterprises or names simply locate the item and remove the ‘hide’ tick and click on the green tick to save.