This video will take you through:
- Setting up Departments
- How employees are attached to Departments
- Departmental reporting
Prefer reading instructions instead? Read below...
What is a Department?
Wagemaster uses the terms 'department' and 'sub-department' to refer to units within a company. Common examples are administration, accounts, cropping, sheep, grain etc.
A department is different from a job in that a job will often involve a selection of people from several departments working on one project. In Wagemaster, each employee is allocated to a (default) department where their wages will be costed to automatically.
Items to consider when setting up Department
- How does your company require reports to appear for costing?
- If you have branches in each state, separating your departments by state at the highest level may assist in the calculation of payroll tax.
- Departments and their sub-departments can branch down six levels
- Employees can only be added to the very lowest level of departments
- If needed, employees can be linked to multiple departments with different pay rates, within their employee file.
Setup Departments:
- Click on the Setup Menu> Departments
- Go to Setup > Departments > Add
- Click the General tab
- Department Name: Enter in the descriptive name for the first department (E.g. Name of Company / Station 1, or Cropping as a department)
- Sub-Department: Leave blank
- Manager: As no employees are set up yet, a Manager can be added later
- GL Account No: Leave blank
- Click Close
Create Sub Departments by going to Setup> Departments> Add to add a Sub-Department (Child).
- Click the General tab.
- Department Name: Type in the Descriptive name for the Sub Department e.g. Administration, Cropping, Shearing, etc.
- Sub-Department Of: Click the down arrow, and select the existing Parent Department required. (Double click on the mouse to hold this selection)
- Manager: If no employees are set up, a Manager can be added later
- A GL Account No: Leave blank as you have Agrimaster as your accounting system
- Click Close
- Repeat Step 4 and 5 to setup each department.
If you require a sub-department underneath a sub-department select
Setup> Departments> Add to add a Sub-Department. - Name the sub-department and select the Sub-Department of field.
In the below example: Payroll has now been created as a sub department of ADMINISTRATION, which is a Sub Department of NSW.Please Note:
- The Department Number is only used as an identifier in cases where the Employees hours are being imported from a Time and attendance system.
- Employees can only be added to Sub Departments.
Departments (Parent) are used to collect costs for their associated sub-departments (child). - It is this bottom tier Cost Centre/Department that needs to be coded with a GL account number for accounting purposes.
- Wagemaster uses the Departments to collect payroll data as a means of reporting Company Costs.