You can watch our video tutorial below:
The Repair Past function is used to fix transaction errors in months that have already been reconciled and closed. By using this feature, the transactions will be repaired, bank account balances adjusted automatically and you may be prompted to make adjustments to your current BAS period if the GST has been effected.
For example:
- A transaction was coded incorrectly.
- A bank account was closed in error with an incorrect closing balance and none of the transactions was reconciled.
- A transaction was cleared to the wrong month.
- A transaction was unreconciled in error.
Please Note:
The Repair Past function should not be used lightly because you can alter the closing bank account balances in months that are closed.
You should not add transactions into a month in a closed BAS period without consulting your accountant first.
When editing transactions in a closed BAS period, you should be careful not to change the GST category of a transaction’s Code unless you are sure that it is incorrect. Changing the Enterprise, Allocation or Description is safe as this does not affect the GST.
Before Proceeding:
- Ensure you have backed up your file in File Manager.
- Have a copy of your bank statements - for comparison to the Agrimaster bank account balances.
- View and print your Agrimaster bank account balances.
- To delete a transaction, enter the Repair Transaction, use Find to locate the transaction, and click on the Delete (Red Cross) button to delete the transaction.
To Add A Transaction To A Previous Month
- Start in the Cashbook.
- Click on Repair Past.
- Click on Repair Transactions.
- To add a new transaction type F6 or click on the Add New icon.
- The screen below will be displayed. It is the same as the screen for adding a normal transaction, except there is a field called Month Cleared. If the transaction has not yet been cleared, this should be left as outstanding. If the transaction was cleared in a previous month, the appropriate month should be selected.
- Agrimaster allows you to create a new transaction that will affect the GST in the past period.