
Overhead Costs Worksheet

Use the Agrimaster Overhead Costs Worksheet to track the regular services you need to run your business. The Overhead Costs Worksheet can be used to estimate and forecast services including consulting services, council rates, utilities and telephone.  


1.    Item


Enter a name that describes the type of overhead expense

2.    Total For Year $


Enter the dollar amount for the year including GST and fees

3.    Month F5


Press F5 and choose

·         How often the payments are made during the year

·         The month(s) the fees are paid

·         The Cost Code and Bank Account for the payment


F5 Enter Quarterly Payments 

1.    Click in the Month F5 box after the Total For Year $ column

2.    Press F5

·         Distribute – select Quarterly

·         First Month – click the first month the payments are made (Agrimaster calculates the remaining 3 months)

·         Select Code – choose the Cost Code

·         Select Bank – choose the Bank Account used to pay for the expenses

3.      Click on the green tick to OK the selections

  After all data is entered, click on the green tick to save the Worksheet

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